Volume : III, Issue : XII, December - 2014

Clinical profile of cerebrovascular stroke and its correlation with Siriraj scoring system

Dr. Jitendra. H. Parikh, Dr. Meeta. G. Nanavati, Dr. Amit Sojintra

Abstract :

Introduction: Stroke is a common and frequently devastating disorder that remains the 3rd leading cause of death in western countries after coronary heart disease and a major cause of disability in elderly. The most accurate method of diagnosis of stroke is CT scan which is an accurate safe and non invasive investigation .But due to lack of such facilities at many peripheral centres and to improve clinical accuracy for such differentiation, various scoring system have been developed. This study was carried out to develop a simple , reliable and safe diagnostic tool for acute stroke syndromes in a setting where CT scan was not readily available and to validate the accuracy of Siriraj Score with regarded to pathological types of stroke. AIMS: 1) To study clinical profile of acute cereovascular stroke and evaluate patients clinically 2) To attempt to improve accuracy in diagnosing the acute stroke syndrome based on clinical variable at the bedside. 3) To study the sensitivity and specificity of Siriraj Scoring and to validate the accuracy of SSS in acute stroke syndrome MATERIAL AND METHOD: This study included 50 patients who presented as CV stroke and admitted in civil hospital ahmedabad during period of 2010-2011. Detail history were taken. All the patients were subjected to CT scan immediately. From the records,variable Siriraj score was calculated. CONCLUSION: The Siriraj score was preferred to help clinicians in making decisions while waiting for CT scan or otherwise. So at centre where advances facilities of CT OR MRI are not available and clinical sense is the only way of diagnosis it is certainly of help in those remote places. This help in management of patients with stroke.

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DR. JITENDRA. H. PARIKH, DR. MEETA.G.NANAVATI, DR. AMIT SOJINTRA Clinical profile of cerebrovascular stroke and its correlation with Siriraj scoring system International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 12 December 2014

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