Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Clinical Management of Climatric State (Geriatric) in Female with Kalabandadi Rasayana

Devulapally Anuradha

Abstract :

Ageing is inevitable. ’Sheeryate eti Shareeram’ means degeneration is natural to human life. The percentage of women in the postmenopausal age is increasing day by day. This group of women has the need to restore their self esteem, allay their feelings of loss of femininity and to prevent the early development of skeletal and cardiovascular disorders. Ayurveda has the great therapy of Rasayana where modern medicine has lacuna in it. It is reported that Synthesized Hormonal Therapy (HRT) of modern medicine has many harmful side effects. Hence the compound preparation (kalabandadi rasayana) is taken for study to assess its efficacy in improving the quality of life of post-menopausal women by alleviating symptoms and by managing menopausal syndrome. Thirty patients suffering from menopausal syndrome between 30-70 years of age were selected from outpatient department of Andhra Pradesh Pranayama Research Centre, Secunderabad and necessary investigations were carried out. Kalabandadi rasayana preparation was given to each patient - 5gms. with milk twice daily before meals for 3 months. After treatment it was observed that majority of the patients were relieved of the symptoms and no side effects were found. Hence it is concluded that the drug is effective, safe and economical.

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Devulapally Anuradha Clinical Management of Climatric State (Geriatric) in Female with Kalabandadi Rasayana International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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