Volume : II, Issue : IV, April - 2013

Clinical Evaluation of Non–Ablative Radio Frequency Device for Facial Rejuvenation with its Histopathological Co–Relation

Dr Manjiri Oke, Dr Milind Borkar, Dr Anne Wilkinson, Dr Amruta Dashputra, Dr Sadhana Mahore, Dr Sushil Pande

Abstract :

Introduction–– Development of truly noninvasive deep tightening techniques continues to interest cosmetic surgeons and public alike. Non –ablative radio frequency device is a novel device which produces an electric current that generates heat through resistance in dermis and subcutaneous tissue. Objective –To evaluate the efficacy and safety of non–ablative radiofrequency device on Indian facial skin and to correlate the results with histopathology. Methodology–35 patients were enrolled for peri–orbital wrinkles, sagging jawline, prominent nasolabial fold, acne scars and open pores. Pre–treatment evaluation of patients was done by two physicians and pretreatment photographs and biopsy were also taken. Patients were treated at monthly interval. Post treatment evaluation along with post treatment photographs and biopsy was done at the end of 3 months and patient’s satisfaction score was marked. Data analysis– Data was analyzed by unpaired t–test. Results– Mild improvement was seen on clinical evaluation. However, histopathology showed increase in collagen at the end of three months. Conclusion –The study indicates there is mild clinical improvement in acne scars, periorbital wrinkles and sagging by treatment with nonablative monopolar radiofrequency device at the end of 3 months. This device can be kept as a therapeutic cheap option for patients with realistic expectations opting for facial rejuvenation.  

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Dr Manjiri Oke,Dr Milind Borkar,Dr Anne Wilkinson,Dr Amruta Dashputra,Dr Sadhana Mahore,Dr Sushil Pande Clinical Evaluation of Non-Ablative Radio Frequency Device for Facial Rejuvenation with its Histopathological Co-Relation International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.IV April 2013

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