Volume : VII, Issue : XII, December - 2018

Clinical Correlation Between Nerve Conduction Studies And Neurosonography In Peripheral Neuropathies

Dr. Archana Bethala

Abstract :

 Background – Peripheral neuropathies are the most common neuromuscular disorder seen by neurologists. Nerve ultrasonography is a recently emerging tool for visualizing the structure, architecture and vascularity of peripheral nerves.

Objectives – To study the Clinical correlation between Nerve conduction studies and Neurosonography in peripheral neuropathies.

Methodology – All patients with peripheral neuropathy were included in the study from Feuary 2016 to January 2018.

Results – The most common aetiologies for peripheral neuropathy were diabetes and leprosy. Nerve ultrasound showed corresponding changes in the above conditions.

Conclusion – Nerve ultrasound is useful in peripheral neuropathy and can complement other diagnostic investigations

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Clinical Correlation Between Nerve Conduction Studies And Neurosonography In Peripheral Neuropathies , Dr. Archana Bethala , INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7|Issue-12| December-2018

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