Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016

Clinical Application of Self Psychology and Modern Attachment Theory

Jonathan Cugini

Abstract :

 As a mental health clinician, there are many theories that we use every day when assisting patients. ?e patient selected for this article is a 32 year–old Venezuelan male with a long history of mental health issues. His hostility and history of being uncooperative with treatment make him a difficult case and a difficult patient to understand. Self–psychology and Modern Attachment ?eory assist in the treatment of this patient, who has been in and out of mental health facilities, still unable to recover. ?ese theories help explain what has caused our patient to develop in his present state and what we can do to treat patients like this in the future

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Jonathan Cugini, Clinical Application of Self Psychology and Modern Attachment Theory, International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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