Volume : VI, Issue : VIII, August - 2017

Clinical and Aetiological Profile for Intrauterine Fetal Death

Dr. Sangeeta Desai, Dr. Sonal Walawalkar

Abstract :

 Study purpose is to assess the prevalence of ante–partum fetal death and to determine various risk factors for intra uterine fetal death. This is retrospective analytical study conducted in Dr D Y Patil Hospital Kolhapur during the period Jan 2015 to april 2017.Out of 3475 singleton births 51 intrauterine death cases were recorded.  Risk factors identified were Preeclampsia(21.56%), IUGR(19.6%),severe anaemia (15.68%), oligohydramnios(13.72%), hypothyroidism(11.76%), premature rupture of memanes (11.76%), patients on gardinal, alfadopa,labet (11.76%)  Auptio placenta(9.8%) postdatism(9.8%),two loops of cord around neck (9.8%),eclampsia(1.96%),feile illnesses, true knots, epilepsy(1.96%) Conclusion: The most common maternal causes for IUFD were hypertensive disorder,IUGR and anemia. Early identification of clinical risk factors will prevent IUFD to some extent hence cannot be overlooked.

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Dr.Sangeeta Desai, Dr.Sonal Walawalkar, Clinical and Aetiological Profile for Intrauterine Fetal Death, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : VOLUME-6 | ISSUE-8 | AUGUST‾2017

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