Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Climate Change Laws in India Need for change in Legal Climate?

Mrs. Swatee Yogessh

Abstract :

 “The Only Thing That Is Constant Is Change ” This quote applies aptly in context of the Climate Change, and if that change has now taken place, we cannot merely stop by finding the causes of that change. It is evident that human activities on the earth for centuries have contributed to this geographical phenomenon, and the effects of it are devastating. Hence it is in wake of the safety and survival of earth that the laws and legal systems have awaken to this life–threatening change and have started discussions and deliberations on how to mitigate or adapt to the climate change. India’s efforts in dealing with climate change are commendable; however, the efforts are not sufficient. The paper gives an account of the Domestic legislations and International norms that India is following to tackle with climate change. Indian Legislature has been active in enacting and adopting plethora of legislations and policies like– National Action Plan on Climate Change (NAPCC) in 2008; The Electricity Act 2003; Energy Conservation Building Code; National Solar Mission; Ethanol Production Incentives; National Tariff Policy etc. The paper critically evaluates these legislations and policies to conclude if India needs a comprehensive code dealing with Climate Change.

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Mrs. Swatee Yogessh Climate Change Laws in India – Need for Change in Legal Climate? International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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