Volume : V, Issue : VIII, August - 2016

Classifying Snake Toxins using Decision Trees

Akash Nag, Sunil Karforma

Abstract :

 Snake toxins are a group of peptides found in snake venoms, which have some form of adverse physiological effects on humans and/or animals. Primarily these consist of neurotoxins, cytotoxins and cardiotoxins, which directly affect the nervous system, skin and muscle tissues, and the heart muscle tissues respectively. In this short paper, we show how, given a protein sequence, we can classify it either as a neurotoxic, a cytotoxic or a cardiotoxic peptide using decision trees. Such classification can be helpful when the phsiological effects of a new venom peptide need to be determined given its sequence information only

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Akash Nag, Sunil Karforma Classifying Snake Toxins using Decision Trees International Journal of Scientific Research,Volume : 5 | Issue : 8 |August 2016

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