Volume : IV, Issue : IX, September - 2015


Deshpande Madhura Mahesh, Talegaonkar S. D.

Abstract :

<p>The paper presents a oad review of the available literature on the characteristics of hydraulic jump on different types of roughened or corrugated beds. The main objective of this study is to examine the potential use of roughened or corrugated beds for reducing the hydraulic jump length, roller length, sequent depth, to study the effectiveness of corrugated bed for energy dissipation below hydraulic structures and to study the bed shear stress. Hydraulic jumps are frequently used for excessive kinetic energy dissipation under hydraulic structures and the jumps are often generated with the assistant of baffle blocks and kept inside the stilling basin. Corrugated or roughened beds showed considerable energy dissipation at the downstream. The jump length and sequent depth also significantly reduced with respect to the smooth bed. Consequently, the use of corrugated and roughened beds reduced the scouring length and scouring depth as well as the stilling basin installation cost. The implementation of corrugated or roughened beds, and highlights their findings in different installation systems by many researchers are discussed in this paper. Comparison between different roughened shapes with different dimensions and spacing is also discussed. Finally, it is found that the applications of corrugated or roughened beds are always showed better performance than that of the smooth bed. In addition, some research needs for the future is identified by this study.</p>

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Deshpande Madhura Mahesh, Talegaonkar S.D. Characteristics of Hydraulic Jump on Corrugated Beds-A Review International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 9 September 2015

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