Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Changing Trends of Sex Ratio at Birth at Tertiary Hospitals of Rajasthan

Dr Rashma Gera, Dr Seema Mehta

Abstract :

 ObjectivesTo study changing trends of sex ratio at birth at tertiary hospitals (medical college hospitals) of Rajasthan, India and the impact of Government initiatives for girl child post 2010.

Sample size–5,75,948 live births

Method:The present retrospective studyincluded data of live females and males born at the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, of medical college hospitals of Rajasthan, like SMS Medical College, Jaipur (Mahila Chikitsalaya & Zanana Hospital), from 2000–15 and from medical colleges of Ajmer, Bikaner, Jhalawar and Kota from 2010–15. Sex ratio at birth (SRB) was calculated for different years. The mean and standard deviation were analyzed to understand the trends.

Results–SRB has consistently increased at tertiary hospitals of Rajasthan post 2010 while this was erratic before 2010. At SMS Medical College hospital, Jaipur, the average SRB has increased and the standard deviation around the mean has decreased. The range for 95% confidence interval has improved. Medical College hospitals at Ajmer and Bikaner have shown a nominal increase in SRB.

Conclusion–Strict PCPNDT Act and Government schemes for girl child appeared to be effective in improving SRB in Rajasthan post 2010 following their implementation.

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Dr Rashma Gera, Dr Seema Mehta , Changing Trends of Sex Ratio at Birth at Tertiary Hospitals of Rajasthan, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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