Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Changing Role of Librarian in the Digital Era

Maradiya Manisha D

Abstract :

The transition of traditional liary collection to digital or virtual collections presented the liarian with new opportunities. The advancement of information communication technology has ought a lot of changes not only on the liary and information services but also on the roles and expectations of the liarians. The internet or web environment and associated sophisticated tools have given the liarian a new dynamic role to play and serve the new information based society in better ways than hitherto. As a liarian you are expected to do more and more with fewer & fewer people. there is a real danger that liarians will be left behind if it still insists on the old role of the traditional liarians. so it very important that there is a new change in paradigm.  

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Maradiya Manisha D Changing Role of Librarian in the Digital Era International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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