Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Challenges in Pre–Cast Construction

Prof. U. J Phatak, Mr. Swapnil Khilari, Mr. Bharat Tambe, Mr. Indrajit Gaikwad , Mr. Tushar Kshirsagar

Abstract :

INDIA is a developing country and its present economy is depend on the firstly on agriculture and secondly on the construction sector. The development of a country’s infrastructure is vital to the growth of its sectors and the overall economy. Considering the rapid urbanization expected in the future, it becomes imperative to analyse the bottleneck of growth in the infrastructure sector. We are in the 21st century and where the work or construction should be done with less possible time with good quality to satisfy the client’s requirement. For the speedy construction pre-cast concrete/construction is very important which satisfy the client’s requirement of less time and good quality. This paper includes the study of problems which are arising during the pre-cast construction and remedies to overcome those problems to increase the productivity and also indirectly the economy of India.

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Prof. U.J Phatak, Mr. Swapnil Khilari, Mr. Bharat Tambe, Mr. Indrajit Gaikwad , Mr. Tushar Kshirsagar Challenges in Pre-Cast Construction International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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