Volume : V, Issue : XI, November - 2016


Pavithra Sampath Kumar, Dr. Vidushi Agrawal, Dr. Rupali Sengupta

Abstract :

 “CHAAT” being widely accepted as an Indian Snack, it was modified, and made healthy, further suitable for Life Style Disorders in the present scenario.Normally a Chaat would contain puffed rice which is high in glycemic index and sodium content, hence not suitable. ?erefore it was replaced with "Sprouted Jowar and Ragi”, (gluten free) which are comparatively low in Glycemic Index and high in Calcium, Iron and Fie. When sprouted, digestibility increases, protein quality improves and anti – nutritional factors are reduced. Content of Vitamin C increases to a small extent. Multi–pulses such as cluster beans, moth beans, whole green moong and dried green peas all in the sprouted form were used. When sprouted, bioavailability of Vitamin C increases which facilitates increased absorption of iron. ?e use of Cereal and Pulse in this Chaat ensures “Complete Protein” availability to the consumer. Among vegetables, Onion, Tomato, Capsicum and Coriander Leaves were used. ?is ensures availability of Beta Carotene, Iron, Phytochemicals, Insoluble Fie & Vitamin C. Curd being “Probiotic” in nature, improves the digestibility in the gut. It also enhances the taste of Chaat

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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PAVITHRA SAMPATH KUMAR, DR. VIDUSHI AGRAWAL, DR. RUPALI CEREAL PULSE SPROUT DAHI CHAAT,SENGUPTA, , International Journal of Scientific Research, Volume : 5 | Issue : 11 | November 2016

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