Volume : II, Issue : V, May - 2013

Catechol Siderophore Produced by Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Rhizosphere of Saccharum Officinarum L

Shirishkumar V. Supanekar, Ajay M. Sorty, Avinash A. Raut

Abstract :

In present study, 27 different isolates were obtained from 22 sugarcane fields in Sangli district area, based on soil textures and irrigation status of the area. 18 isolates produced siderophores under iron limiting conditions on chrome azurol – S agar medium. The isolate SUP IV showed maximum siderophore production in Burk’s medium with maximum 43% decolorization of CAS reagent in liquid CAS assay. Optimum yield of siderophore was obtained at pH 7.2. The isolate failed to grow at temperature 370C, but flourished well at 300C. The culture was identified as Klebsiella pneumoniae based on 16S rRNA gene sequencing and phylogenetic studies using MEGA 4. The siderophore extraction and purification was achieved using XAD2 column. Colorimetric reactions prove that purified siderophore is of catecholate type. Fourier – transform infrared (FTIR) analysis showed prominent peaks at 3351 cm–1, 1654 cm–1, 1033 cm–1, which supported the colorimetric results. The study represents first report for production of siderophore by rhizospehric Klebsiella in the area.

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Shirishkumar V. Supanekar, Ajay M. Sorty, Avinash A. Raut Catechol Siderophore Produced by Klebsiella Pneumoniae Isolated from Rhizosphere of Saccharum Officinarum L International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.V May 2013

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