Volume : I, Issue : III, August - 2012

Can hormonal influence be a cause of auditory neuropathy

Archana, Ayasmuhammed, Maya, Ms. Jyoti

Abstract :

Auditory neuropathy (AN) is described as a heå disorder characterized by abnormal auditory nerve functioning in the presence of normal cochlear receptor hair cell activity. Common causes of AN include hyperbilirubinemia, low birth weight, anoxia in children. There is a sub group of AN who are reported to have normal heå sensitivity till a particular age and following which they develop heå loss which is not associated with any disease. In adults exact causes are not reported. Hormonal imbalance can be the one of the major cause in adults. Our clinical experience in individuals with AN also suggests that, most clients have been reported to acquire AN immediately, prior to or after their puberty.

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Archana, AyasMuhammed, Maya, Ms.Jyoti Can hormonal influence be a cause of auditory neuropathy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.III August 2012

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