Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

cal pieces software. Eventually based on ordinary least square method (OLS) empirical equations prepared to calculate reduction in bearing capacity.

M. Vijai Kishore, Achal Garg, Onika Arora

Abstract :

Dehradun is one of the oldest cities of India famous for its natural beauty and hence tourism. But it has not been too long since it has been declared as the capital of the state of Uttarakhand. Ever since then, there has been a boom in the population of city. With this increasing population, there has been a considerable increase in the number of vehicles in the city leading to major traffic congestion especially in the cross road junctions. On top of it, there is an increasing demand for public transport which, as of now, is of very poor quality and also cannot cater to the current demand. In order to cater to present traffic management, the city largely lacks infrastructure. Thus, proper traffic management is the need of the hour. To cater to that need, intelligent transportation system is one feasible solution for it.

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M. Vijai Kishore, Achal Garg, Onika Arora Intelligent Transportation Systems for Traffic Management in Dehradun City International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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