Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Burden of gall stone disease in patients referred for ultrasound study

Vyankatesh Aironi, Venkatashiva Reddy. B

Abstract :

 Gallbladder disease includes acute and chronic cholecystitis, solitary and multiple gallstones, gall bladder polyps, cholesterolosis, common bile

duct stones and biliary obstruction. The aim of our present study is to estimate the burden of Gall bladder diseases and other risk factors as detected
on sonography of abdomen using data of Non–ANC (non–antenatal) ultrasound cases in our Hospital situated in Srinagar city of Garhwal region of
North Indian state of Uttarakhand.
Materials and Methodology This descriptive retrospective study, conducted between March to September 2016, were retrospectively assessed.
Descriptive analysis was done. Proportions were given wherever necessary. Test of significance was used with significance at p value <0.05.
Results : The present study included 88 non antenatal ultrasound patients. The age group less than 30 years constituted to 6.8% and more than 60
years constituted 23.8% of the study subjects, respectively. The study had 83%) females. The most common department of referral was surgery.
The only gall bladder pathology was found in 51(57.9%) of the patients. 42.0% patients presented with multiple findings on the ultrasound. The
most common finding on ultrasound was gall bladder calculi, (40.2%) of the total, chronic cholecystitis (10.9%) and common bile duct calculi
Conclusion: Ultrasound study of patients was used in our study to assess gallstone burden; and also assessing burden gall bladder diseases related
to gallstones in our surrounding hilly population.

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Vyankatesh Aironi, Venkatashiva Reddy. B, Burden of gall stone disease in patients referred for ultrasound study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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