Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Brief Considerations on Dark Energy

Celso Luis Levada, Huemersom Maceti, Ivan J. Lautenschleguer

Abstract :

The Inflationary Universe Theory predicts that the universe has a high density, which can only be true if there is dark matter. The reason for this were the observations of a greater gravitational attraction than that predicted by the classical theory, i.e., dark matter is used to explain a greater gravitational attraction than expected. This invisible matter, called dark can be composed of unknown , exotic particles , which so far has not found a way to observe them. The physical outline theories about the existence of these particles, but experiments have not yet confirmed their presence. No one knows for sure what constitutes dark matter: may be subatomic particles, black holes, stars of very low luminosity, or even a combination of these or other objects. Another possibility is that our understanding of gravity needs a major review, but most scholars do not share this thought

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Celso Luis Levada, Huemersom Maceti, Ivan J. Lautenschleguer Brief Considerations on Dark Energy International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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