Volume : VI, Issue : IX, September - 2017

Breast Lesions in Adolescence : An Institutional Experience

Abdul Haque, Ankur Sharma

Abstract :

 Breast development during adolescence is the first sign of puberty in young girls and an important marker of the transition to adulthood. (1) The spectrum of east diseases in this age group is generally different from that in the adult females. (2)

Breast lesions in adolescent girls are fortunately an uncommon presentation with most of the lesions turning out to be benign and the risk of malignancy is very low. (3)

Most important diagnostic imaging method is sonography as it is non invasive and radioation free. (4,5) Fine needle aspiration cytology (FNAC) is being performed both free hand and under radiological guidance as a pre–operative test and it is proven to be cost effective. (6,7)

Most common east lumps in adolescence are single and multiple fioadenomas. Fiocystic disease is another common clinical diagnosis. (8,9,10)

Infrequent occurrence of malignancy in young females has been a common observation. (3)

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Abdul Haque, Ankur Sharma, Breast Lesions in Adolescence : An Institutional Experience, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-6 | Issue-9 | September-2017

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