Volume : VII, Issue : VIII, August - 2018

Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Study of risk Factors in western India

Dr Somesh Aggarwal, Dr. Urvi Patel, Dr. Minhaz Karkanawala, Dr. Uma Gajiwala, Dr. Anindita Duttaroy

Abstract :

·         Objective:This study is aimed to determine the most common risk factor of anch retinal vein occlusion in Indian population.

·         Design:It is a retrospective, observational studybased on hospital records.

·         Subjects: 300 eyes of 300 patients were studied, out of which 236 were men (78%) and 64(21.3%) were women. The age of patients ranged from 60 to above 90 years.

·         Analysis:  Most common risk factors and most common site of anch retinal vein occlusion were analyzed.

·         Results: Out of 300 patients 64 %(192) patients had hyperlipidemia , 26%(78) patients had hypertension and 6%(18) patients had glucose intolerance and 4%(12) patients had unknown cause.

·         Conclusion:The retrospective study showed that hyperlipidemia was the most common cause.

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Dr Somesh Aggarwal, Dr.Urvi Patel, Dr. Minhaz Karkanawala, Dr. Uma Gajiwala, Dr. Anindita Duttaroy, Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion: A Study of risk Factors in western India, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-8 | August-2018

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