Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Blind Direct Trocar Insertion

Dr. Biswarup Bose, Dr. Saikat Bayen, Dr Anower Hossen Halder

Abstract :

 Since the inception of laparoscopic Surgery till today, there is no consensus on the safest first entry technique for pneumoperitonium.

Several techniques have been adopted(most common being the Verres and Open Technique), but none are having full proof safety. Direct
blind trocar entry without pnemoperitonium is least tried technique due to the apprehension of carrying greater risk of visceral or
vascular injury.
The Blind Direct Trocar Insertion (BDTI) prior to pneumoperitonium in laparoscopic surgery was first described by Dingfelder more
than 40 years ago, but so far the procedure has been mainly used by the gygynaecologist[1 ]
In this randomised prospective study of BDTI before pneumoperitonium on 500 cases over nearly two and a half years time, it was an
effort to establish its safety similar to other entry techniques. It is as safe as any other methods of entry techniques. Only one blind
procedure is involved and there is no chance of parietal insufflation. Moreover, quick pneumoperitonium reduces the total operative time.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Biswarup Bose, Dr. Saikat Bayen, Dr Anower Hossen Halder, Blind Direct Trocar Insertion, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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