Volume : VII, Issue : V, May - 2018

Bite Marks: A Speaking Forensic Tool

Dr. Anubha Agarwal, Dr. Jyotsna Seth, Dr. Himanshu Aeran

Abstract :

Forensic dentistry is an essential part of Forensic science, mainly involves the identification of an assailant by compå a record of their dentition with a record of a bite mark left on a victim. Other uses in law for dentists include the medico–legal assessment of trauma to oral tissues, testimony about dental malpractices and identification of human remains. Teeth has been also used as a forensic tool and bite marks are used during violent interactions such as sexual offences, homicides, child abuse and during sports events form the basis of forensic dentistry. Bite mark identification is based on the individuality of a dentition, which is used to match a bite mark to a suspect. Bite marks are often considered as valuable alternative to fingerprinting and DNA identification in forensic examinations. This article will describes the classification, characteristics, mechanism of production, and appearance of bite marks injuries, collection of evidence, comparison techniques and technical aids in the analysis of the bite marks.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. Anubha Agarwal, Dr. Jyotsna Seth, Dr. Himanshu Aeran, Bite Marks: A Speaking Forensic Tool, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-5 | May-2018

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