Volume : III, Issue : IV, April - 2014

Biotic Interrelationship of Plants and Butterflies in Surrounding of Gandhinagar, Gujarat

Dr. Mukesh Mali, B. P. Khokhariya, Y. B. Dabgar

Abstract :

The paper illustrates butterflies and plant diversity and its interaction in Gandhinagar area. It comprises of rich biodiversity including plants with colorful flowers, birds, insects, mammals etc., which opens the pathway for better learning and understanding of environment in its natural form. Capital of the state is having many parks, gardens with road side-strip plantation along huge circles with dense green covered area. Butterflies are one of the unique creatures in nature. Interpreted status of butterflies shows that there are total 43 species belonging to 5 families interlinked with 110 plant species belonging to 98 genus and 45 families. Further, habit wise there are 24 trees, 30 shrubs, 41 herbs and 14 climber species which are enumerated during the pertaining study. This study plays a vital role for in situ conservation of butterflies in its own plant world with selective plant species. As butterflies are highly sensitive to the various environmental parameters, therefore for their sustainable existence in the respective habitat. Hereby, it is essential to maintained and conserve the healthy environment.

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Dr. Mukesh Mali, B.P. Khokhariya, Y.B. Dabgar Biotic Interrelationship of Plants and Butterflies in Surrounding of Gandhinagar, Gujarat International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. IV Apr 2014

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