Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015

Bioprospecting of biochemical parameters of wheat under salinity stress after bioferilizer treatment

Rajnish Prakash Singh, Prabhat Nath Jha

Abstract :

 Microbial inoculums termed as ‘Biofertlizers’ are gaining a lot of interest now a day for improving the plant growth and productivity as a alternative to chemical fertilizers and pesticides. In developing countries like India, agriculture is an important sector for economy. However increasing soil salinity causes a major loss of agricultural economy. The present study demonstrated the efficacy of biofertilizer Enterobacter cloaceae to growth improvement by analyzing the various biochemical parameters of wheat under various level of salinity stress. Microbial isolate was isolated from salt rich lake ‘Sambhar lake’ to growth improvement and development as bioferilizers for plants growing around the salt rich region. The seeds of wheat were treated with microbial inoculums with salt stress and the observed changes in biochemical parameters were analyzed after 15 days of study period. Results illustrated that plants treated with Enterobacter cloaceae showed significant improvement in various biochemical parameters responsible for plants sustainability as compared to untreated control plants.

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Rajnish Prakash Singh, Prabhat Nath Jha Bioprospecting of Biochemical Parameters of Wheat Under Salinity Stress After Bioferilizer Treatment International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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