Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Biochemical Changes in Seedling of Pisum Sativum Linn. Under The Lead And Nickel Stress

Chaudhari Jayshri D. , Adhyapak Sahayak

Abstract :

An investigation was conducted to study the different stress of heavy metals such as Lead and Nickel on biochemical parameters of Pisum sativum. These heavy metals at all concentration exhibited significant reduction in chlorophyll-a, chlorophyll-b, protein, sugar and ascorbic acid were performed at 10th and 20th day of growth. Primary leaves of Pisum sativum were significantly affected by Lead and Nickel, which resulted in a decline of chlorophyll content. Pisum sativum when treated with Lead and Nickel protein and sugar content was decreased in various organs. Maximum decrease in protein and sugar content was found in the root and minimum decrease was observed in the leaves. Nickel was reduced more protein and sugar content than Lead. The ascorbic acid content was significantly affected by the treatment of Lead and Nickel. The ascorbic acid was absent in root. Chlorophyll-a and Chlorophyll-b were significantly affected by Lead and Nickel. Nickel was found to be more effective inhibitor of Chlorophyll-a and Chlorophyll-b than Lead as its inhibitory effect begins at lower concentration.

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CHAUDHARI JAYSHRI D., ADHYAPAK SAHAYAK Biochemical Changes in Seedling of Pisum Sativum Linn. Under The Lead And Nickel Stress International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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