Volume : IV, Issue : IV, April - 2015

Bio–softening of Banana Fiber for Nonwoven Application

Ms. Ankita Shroff, Prof. Anjali Karolia, Dr. Jayendra Shah

Abstract :

India is the world’s largest producer of banana. The fiber has limited application in textiles due to its high stiffness

and less cohesive properties. The aim of the study was to remove noncellulosic gummy materials from banana fiber
thus softening it and prepare nonwovens through needle punch method. Grey banana fibers were treated with hemicellulase, pectinase and
cellulase enzyme individually by varying its concentration and time. This optimised treatment was treated with different combination of
enzymes, and then standardised. The effect of the enzymes on the fibers was measured in weight loss, strength loss and whiteness index of the
fiber. Subjective analyses by touch and feel method, SEM analyses were also done. The best softened fibers were then processed for preparation
of nonwovens through needle punch method at NIRJAFT Kolkata

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Ms. Ankita Shroff, Prof. Anjali Karolia, Dr. Jayendra Shah Bio–softening of Banana Fiber for Nonwoven Application International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 4 April 2015

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