Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Bilateral synchronous testicular tumour - A case report with review of literature

T. P. Rajeev, Dr Pranab Kr Kaman, Baruah S. J. , Garg A

Abstract :

Testicular tumours are raremalignancy but it is the most common malignancy among males aged 20–40years. Testicular tumour represents 1% –1.5% of male neoplasm and 5% of urological tumours. The incidence of bilateral germ cell tumours is approximately 2.5%

A 35 years patient presented with swelling in the lower abdomen and left side of the scrotum for the last 3 months. On examination – A lump felt in the lower abdomen with swelling of left testis. On ultrasonography of abdomen and scrotum, Solid hypoechoic space occupying lesion in pelvic cavity and the left side of left scrotum. AFP, β HCG & LDH levels were elevated. CECT abdomen revealed a large abdomino–pelvic mass with a soft tissue mass in the left scrotal sac with empty right scrotal sac with minimal left sided pleural effusion. Patient was subjected for primary chemotherapy. Patient responded the chemotherapy partially and died after 6 months.

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T.P. Rajeev, Dr Pranab Kr Kaman, Baruah S.J., Garg A, Bilateral synchronous testicular tumour – A case report with review of literature, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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