Volume : VII, Issue : VII, July - 2018

Big Data - Big Challenge, Bigger Opportunity

Dr Omar Salim Akhtar, Dr Sabahat Rasool

Abstract :

 Introduction. Big Data is defined as data that is so large that normal data analytics cannot process it adequately. The spectre of the ‘Big Data‘

Revolution hangs above us. Recently, the ability of gadgets to store immense amounts of data electronically has increased and so has the capability
to analyse them in ways that were hitherto impossible.
Methods. Recent scientific articles, webpages and news items were studied to assess the role of Big Data in Medical Science in general and in
Urology and Infertility in particular.
Results. This article introduces the concept of Big Data, highlights examples of its use in medical science, explains its limitations, and the various
ways to use it to further clinical research. Big Data will find use in diverse fields, but nowhere will its effects be felt more than in the field of Medical
Science. It will possibly open up new fields of observation, correlation, and analysis, that were impossible to understand earlier. Urology, and
Infertility, as fields that have emaced new technology in the past, will not be spared from the over–arching effect of Big Data.
Conclusion. The ability of Urologists and Infertility Professionals to use the explosion of available data to their use will determine the future
direction of this specialty.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Omar Salim Akhtar, Dr Sabahat Rasool, Big Data‾Big Challenge, Bigger Opportunity, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-7 | July-2018

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