Volume : VII, Issue : II, February - 2018

Best management practices for dental waste entering wastewater stream : assessment of awareness amongst dental professionals.

Dr. Richa Khanna

Abstract :


Context: A significant component of the dental waste generated from dental office enters waste water stream. This may adversely affect environment, human health, other life forms, even after a sophisticated treatment for decontamination. All dental professionals therefore, should follow “best management practices” in the handling and disposal of waste to reduce potential environmental effects

Methodology: Dental professionals with minimum of six months of work experience responded to a self–administered questionnaire regarding awareness of best management practices for dental waste water. Questionnaire was divided into different subcategories of waste entering water stream. A scoring pattern was instituted for ease of analysis.

Results and conclusions: It was found that the disposal of all categories of waste into the water stream was not very well known by the professionals. Knowledge in category of x–ray photochemicals and amalgam waste needed improvement. And ,training had a significant impact on the scores of the individuals.

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Dr. Richa Khanna, Best management practices for dental waste entering wastewater stream : assessment of awareness amongst dental professionals., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-2 | February-2018

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