Volume : I, Issue : VI, November - 2012

Behavior of steel fibre reinforced ternary blended concrete under flexure

Deepa A Sinha, Dr. A. K. Verma, Dr. K. B. Prakash

Abstract :

During static flexural strength test conducted on simply supported beams under third point loading, settings are made to collect load deflection data. This data collected for all the beams is used for the calculation of flexural toughness. Toughness is calculated by determining the area under load deflection curve using NCSS software. . In this paper, an attempt is made to study the properties of steel fie reinforced concrete with ternary blends. The mix design was carried out for M30 grade concrete as per IS: 10262–2009 which yielded a proportion of 1:1.86: 2.41 with a w/c ratio of 0.45. Before mixing, 30% of cement was replaced by (FA + SF) or (FA+GGBFS) or (FA+MK) according to the proportions such as (0+0), (30+0), (25+5), (20+10), (15+15), (10+20), (5+25) and (0+30) respectively. So in this paper the performance of the flexural toughness for various steel fie reinforced ternary blended concrete are found. Also the toughness factor was found for normal mix (without steel fies with 0% cement replacement). It was found that the toughness of reference mix (mix containing 1% steel fie and 0% cement replacement) was increased by 56% for 28 day curing and 35% for 90 day curing. | This suggests that the ductility of blended concrete is more compared to the reference concrete as the increase is more by 70% in all the ternary blended mixes. This is due to the maximum pozzolanic effect after 90 days, since the pozzolanic reactions are slow.

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Deepa A Sinha, Dr. A.K.Verma, Dr. K.B. Prakash Behavior of steel fibre reinforced ternary blended concrete under flexure International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.VI Nov 2012

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