Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Baseline Widal titre determination among the healthy population in Jodhpur region, Rajasthan.

Dr Saroj Dash, Dr Kumar Saurabh, Dr Vijaya Lakshmi Nag, Dr Ravisekhar Gadepalli

Abstract :

Background: Enteric fever still continues to be endemic in several parts of developing countries. For diagnosis, Widal test is the second most commonly used test after blood culture. Four fold rise of Anti–TO and Anti–TH antibody titrein paired serum samples is more relevant but at many occasion, interpretations are to be made on a single serum test results. For effective interpretations, we need to know the baseline antibody titre in healthy population of a particular geographical area based on which the cut–off titre or significant titre can be calculated.

Aim: The present study was undertaken to determine the baseline Widaltitre in apparently healthy population in Jodhpur region, Rajasthan.

Material and Methods: The study was done between September 2016 and Feuary 2017, which included Seventy five (75) serum samples. These samples were from the pre–operative cases and were sent to the microbiology lab for viral marker tests like HIV, HCV and HBV. Widal tube agglutination test was performed to know the titre of Anti–TO and Anti–TH antibodies.

Results: Forty two (56%) sera showed positive agglutinations (titre of ≥1:20) and the remaining 33 were negative. 62.1% sera were positive for agglutinins of ‘O’ antigen of Salmonella typhi (TO) at a titre of 1:20 and 46.15% sera were positive for agglutinins of ‘H’ antigen of Salmonella typhi (TH) at a titre of 1:40.

Conclusion: It was recommended that the significant titre of TO be considered as 1:40 and that of TH as ≥ 1: 80 in this region.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr Saroj Dash, Dr Kumar Saurabh, Dr Vijaya Lakshmi Nag, Dr Ravisekhar Gadepalli, Baseline Widal titre determination among the healthy population in Jodhpur region, Rajasthan., INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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