Volume : III, Issue : VII, July - 2014

Bacteriological and Physicochemical Assessment of Potable Water Samples from Taluka Telhara Dist.–Akola

Pankaj A Matre, S. N. Zodpe.

Abstract :

A total 100 water samples were collected aseptically in a sterilized container from different water sources from various locations. The different test such as Ortho-Toludiene test, H2S Strip field test and MPN test was done to detect the presence of Coliforms in drinking water. The results revealed that most of water sample collected from P.H.C of Akola district shows high MPN and so was found to be non-potable. Whereas the source which is chlorinated was found to be potable. Further the physicochemical analysis was also carried out to study the different parameter. Such as colour, odour, pH, TDS, Turbidity, Hardness, pH, Alkalanity, irons, fluorides and nitrate by adapting the standard method. From the complete study the results revealed that out of 50 only 24 samples were found to be potable for drinking purposes, so further processing of water sources is needed to avoid of to overcome the difficulties related to health hazards and water borne diseases

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Pankaj A Matre, S. N. Zodpe Bacteriological and Physicochemical Assessment of Potable Water Samples from Taluka Telhara Dist.-Akola International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 7 July 2014

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