Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

AZYGOS LOBE (Accessory lobe of the Azygos Vein/ Lobus Azygos Pulmonis Dextri)” a case report

Captain Dr Mohan B Angadi, Col Dr Aseem Tandon

Abstract :

<p> The accessory lobe of the azygous vein was first described in the right lung by Wrisberg. A small accessory lobe sometimes found on the apex of the right lung; separated from the rest of the upper lobe by a deep groove lodging the azygos vein created when the laterally displaced azygos vein makes a deep fissure in the upper part of the lung during emyological development. It is an incidental finding.appears in the right lung in about 1 percent of people. The azygos lobe forms when the azygos vein fails to migrate over the apex of the lung during fetal life. The azygos lobe appears starting in a teardrop shape at around the level of T5 to the right of the midline as a pale line curving outward and upward and then back in to meet the root of the neck, the line is the infolding of the pleura.Abnormal fissures and lobes of the lungs are common and usually insignificant. A lobe of the azygos vein appears in the right lung in about 1 percent of people. It develops when the apical onchus grows superiorly medial to the arch of the azygos vein instead of lateral to it. As a result, the azygos vein comes to lie at the bottom of a deep fissure in the superior lobe of the right lung. Therefore, the azygos fissure contains four layers of pleura. No treatment is required.</p>

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Captain (Dr) Mohan B Angadi, Col(Dr) Aseem Tandon AZYGOUS LOBE (Accessory lobe of the Azygos Vein/ Lobus Azygos Pulmonis Dextri)₝ a case report International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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