Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Awareness And Knowledge of Blood Donation Among Medical Faculty and Students in Vadodara District

Dr. Smriti Vasisht, Dr Stuti Sharma, Dr. Tejvansh Shenoy Imrit, Dr. Vaibhav Mehta

Abstract :

Blood is defined as most valuable drug by the World Health Organization that can be substituted only by blood. The objective of the study is to assess the knowledge & awareness of blood donation among medical faculty and students of medical colleges in Vadodara district. This prospective study was conducted in three medical colleges in Vadodara district, Gujarat, India from June 2012 to September 2013 among 475 medical personnel. Systemic sampling technique was used for choosing the sample. Results show that 19.2% of participants have carried out blood donation at least once and 80.8% have never donated blood at all voluntarily. General awareness regarding voluntary blood donation is high but has not translated into voluntary blood donation. Medical personnel, who are healthy, enthusiastic and approachable as a group, should be nurtured to become voluntary blood donors and motivators. Wide spread medical education programs of voluntary blood donation should be carried out.

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Dr. Smriti Vasisht, DrStuti Sharma, Dr. Tejvansh Shenoy Imrit, Dr. Vaibhav Mehta Awareness And Knowledge of Blood Donation Among Medical Faculty and Students in Vadodara District International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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