Volume : II, Issue : XII, December - 2013

Automatic Karyotyping of Human Chromosomes Using Band Patterns

Priya Chaku, Pooja Shah

Abstract :

The target of this research is to develop a simple, improved and efficient system for automated karyotyping. It involves the analysis and processing of a native image of captured chromosomes so as to produce a paired and classified arrangement of the same, also called as a karyotype. The procedure follows enhancement, extraction and classification. The limiting factors for efficiency could be image resolution, overlapped or over-segmented chromosomes, and presence of artifacts. Thus, the reliability and accuracy of the system developed largely depends on solving these issues. This research work offers implementations to overcome these challenges.

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Priya Chaku, Pooja Shah Automatic Karyotyping of Human Chromosomes Using Band Patterns International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.XII December 2013

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