Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Automated Method for Hemoglobin Count Measurement Using IR Sensor for Donors in Blood Bank

Ponni P. , Vinupritha P.

Abstract :

Accurate measurement of donor’s hemoglobin (Hb) level is of utmost importance prior to donation in any blood bank. The Drugs & Cosmetics Act permits drawing of blood by blood banks only from donors with hemoglobin count greater than 12.5 g/dL. The blood banks still opt for manual methods of Hemoglobin screening owing to economic factors. But accuracy remains a problem with such methods since it depends heavily upon the technicians performing the tests. By using automated methods, the possibility of manual errors can be ruled out. Despite the availability of several methods for screening of hemoglobin, no technique has been found to be ideal and satisfactory for a blood donation setup. Hence this study proposes an IR sensor with an aim to reduce expenditure and eliminate false measurements. The optical properties of blood samples differ based on the hemoglobin level of the sample. This variation in the optical density is used to determine hemoglobin count in donor blood. When IR beam is passed across samples of different hemoglobin levels, certain amount of light is absorbed depending on the Hemoglobin concentration whereas the rest continues on to the receiver. The reduction in amplitude of light transmitted to the receiver is indicative of hemoglobin level in the sample

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Ponni P., Vinupritha P. Automated Method for Hemoglobin Count Measurement Using ir Sensor for Donors in Blood Bank International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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