Volume : III, Issue : X, October - 2014

Automated Maintenance System of Solar Panel For Wild (Wheel Impact Load Detector)

A. Muniappan, Dr. C. Thiagarajan, Aswin Anand

Abstract :

The project titled WHEEL IMPACT LOAD DETECTOR (WILD) is being actively done in the Organization APNA TECHNOLOGIES AND SOLUTIONS for Indian railways. The organization is the only Indian developer and supplier of this system for Indian Railways. The Internship program consists of intelligent software algorithms that have been developed to identify the Wheel Impact and Impact Load Factor along with other parameters like time & speed of the train, axle number, average dynamic wheel load and maximum wheel load. The sensors on the track senses the dynamic impact load caused by the wheels, the high speed data acquisition system acquires the data and the embedded controller does the signal processing & analysis to identify the impact load data. The same is transferred to a remote centralized server through GPRS and Optical Fiber Communication, i.e. how information traverses through network from source to destination based on the OSI reference model, routing basic , structure of the network, the basic functionality of the devices, tools and process and a ief session on performance management. It also includes hands on experience on the live project at their installed sites.

Keywords :

Solar panel   GPRS   WILD  

Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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A.Muniappan, Dr.C.Thiagarajan, Aswin Anand Automated Maintenance System of Solar Panel For Wild (Wheel Impact Load Detector) International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 3, Issue : 10 October 2014

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