Volume : I, Issue : V, October - 2012

Attitude Towards Tech–Driven Odl: The Case of Distance Teacher–Trainees

Shamim Ahmad

Abstract :

ICT–driven ODL as an innovative provision of educational transaction constantly endeavours to fulfill its mission by improving the conditions of learning and supporting access to knowledge. In the info–structure environment, ODL prepares individuals for a life that requires cognitive skills, beliefs, problem solving, inquiry and other abilities. Consequently, there is a growing need to integrate and make use of emerging technologies for better output. This write–up explores the distance teacher–trainees’ attitude towards tech – driven ODL. Distance teacher–trainees have considerably favourable attitude towards tech – driven ODL with hardly any difference found between a) male and female; b) urban and rural; and c) with 0–

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Shamim Ahmad Attitude Towards Tech-Driven Odl: The Case of Distance Teacher-Trainees International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.I, Issue.V Oct 2012

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