Volume : III, Issue : II, February - 2014

Attitude of Post Graduate Students Towards Semester System

Dr. S. Haseena, Dr. L. K. Reddy

Abstract :

In the new system at the University level, there are four semesters. Every class includes 40-50 students at the post graduate level. It becomes difficult for the teacher to conduct frequent tests. Over-crowded classes sometime pose a more serious problem in conducting seminars and debates. Among these havoc, Semester system seems to be better and sound solution. The present study investigates the attitude of students towards this new innovation Semester System with internal evaluation and tries to excavate their opinions on this issue. The sample for the investigation consisted of 240 students, both men and women from the Science and Arts groups of S.V.University, Tirupati, Andhra Pradesh. The final conclusions of the study are; (1) It is observed that Post graduate students irrespective of their gender have favorable attitude towards semester system. (2) An analysis of attitude scores of arts and science students shows that there is significant difference between the arts and science students, where science students favor the Semester system compared to the Arts students.

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Dr. S.Haseena, Dr. L.K.Reddy Attitude of Post Graduate Students Towards Semester System International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue.II February 2014

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