Volume : IV, Issue : VIII, August - 2015

Atherogenic Response in Diabetic patients Due to Increased BMI in Haryana Population – A Randomized Trial.

Parveen Kumar Vats, Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Singh, Mohan Lal Bansal

Abstract :

Diabetes is a major health problem worldwide which contributes to physical health and economic burden on society. Obesity is positively associated with diabetes,as a small increase in body fat leads to development of diabetes. In the present study, we aimed to examine the correlation between level of obesity and their effects on plasma lipids, lipoproteins and fasting plasma glucose (FPG) in diabetic patients. A total 187 subjects, out of which 88 were diabetic patients, aged between 30–95 years, and 99 healthy subjects, aged between 27–88 years, from the north Indian state Haryana were included in this study. They were classified into non–obese, overweight and obese groups on the basis of BMI. FPG, TC, HDL–C, LDL, VLDL–C and triglycerides were assessed. Biochemical changes between the DM–II and control groups were compared by using independent sample t–test (2–tailed) and to check their association among themselves, Pearson’s correlation test was performed.The levels of FPG and BMI of DM–II and control non–obese, overweight and obese subjects were compared and highly significant difference was observed among them. Significant positive correlation was found between BMI and triglyceride(r= 0.396*) in non–obese DM–II patients, while in control non–obese subjects, it was positively correlated (r=0.159) but not significant. From our study, we concluded that obesity alone cannot be considered as the predictor for severity or risk of developing diabetes. Level of lipid components and FPG were also found to be independent of BMI.

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Parveen Kumar Vats, Jitendra Kumar Sharma, Ranjeet Singh, Mohan Lal Bansal Atherogenic Response in Diabetic Patients Due to Increased BMI in Haryana Population‾A Randomized Trial. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 8 August 2015

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