Volume : VII, Issue : IV, April - 2018

Asymptomatic malaria and intestinal parasites co-infection among non-beneficiaries of the national deworming program in Ngie: a preliminary study of a rural community in Northwest region, Cameroon

Raphael A. Abong, Marcelus U. Ajonina, Promise U. Atekwe, Elvis A. Akomoneh, Damian N. Anong

Abstract :

Background: Malaria and intestinal parasitic infections (IPIs) are among the most prevalent of human infections in developing countries. This study assessed the prevalence of asymptomatic malaria and intestinal parasites coinfection among non–beneficiaries of the national deworming population in Ngie.

Methods: A community–based cross section study was used. Blood and stool samples were collected from those participants who gave consent to take part in the study and assayed for the presence of malaria and IPIs according to standard procedures. Data were analyzed using Pearson’s Chi–square and Logistic Regression analysis and were considered significant at P ≤ 0.05.

Results: The prevalence rates of malaria parasite, IPIs and malaria and intestinal parasites co–infection were 40.1%, 31.5%, and 10.9%, respectively. Ascaris lumicoides (13.2%) was the most prevalent intestinal parasites identified. Helminths infections (19.2%) were 1.8 times (OR=1.84,95% CI:1.45–8.62) more prevalent than protozoa infections (12.3%). IPIs were 2.7 times (OR = 2.71, 95% CI: 1.34 – 5.49) more prevalent in Teze village than any other villages. No significant association was observed between co–infection with malaria and intestinal parasitic infection (P=0.863).

Conclusion: This study revealed that malaria and IPIs still constitute a major public health problem in Ngie despite a lack of any significant association between them.

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Raphael A. Abong, Marcelus U. Ajonina, Promise U. Atekwe, Elvis A. Akomoneh, Damian N. Anong, Asymptomatic malaria and intestinal parasites co–infection among non–beneficiaries of the national deworming program in Ngie: a preliminary study of a rural community in Northwest region, Cameroon, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-4 | April-2018

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