Volume : IV, Issue : VI, June - 2015


Dr. M. Sasirekha, Lavanya. J

Abstract :

 Aim: To Analyse the Morphometric measurements and the Asymmetry of Infra orbital foramen in adult dry skulls. Methodology: The study carried out measuring skulls for the Infra orbital foramen (IOF) for its shape, direction and distance between IOF and Infra Orbital Margin using visual observation. The Asymmetry Index was calculated for each Parameter using the specific formula. Results: From the results, it can be suggested that variation in shape was presented to be in more proportion on the right side with oval shape though statistically not significant. For the direction it can be suggested that infero–medial shape to be in more proportion in the both sides which was statistically significant. The distance was presented to be 6.8mm and 6.9mm for right and left side respectively with no significant difference between right and left side. On analysing the asymmetry of the shape, direction and distance it was observed that asymmetry index was high for circular shape, Medial direction and IOF – IOM measurement. Conclusion: Thus results may help the professionals specially Surgeons, Anaesthetists and Dentist to be aware of craniofacial asymmetry to have a successful clinical practice.

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Article: Download PDF   DOI : 10.36106/ijsr  

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Dr. M. SASIREKHA, LAVANYA.J Asymmetry of Morphometric Measurements in Infra Orbital Foramen of Adult Dry Skulls International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 6 June 2015

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