Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016

Astrological star matching for marriage– Part–2

G Umamaheswari, Dr. P A Subramanian

Abstract :

<p><p> Love and Romance is one of the most widely read topics in the world. A famous saying goes that key to success is marrying right or in today‘s world having the right partner. Luck in love, timing of marriage, delay in marriage, incompatibility in love/marriage, whether lost love will come back, when will I find love of my life/soul mate, description of spouse – Probable description etc., These types of doubts are common to everybody. All of us having the doubt how to select a wife or a husband based on the Horoscopic arrangement. Apart from 10 porutthams the following objectives also to be taken consideration for marriage matching:– Dosha Samyam (Cancellation of Dosham) , Dasa Sandhi , Samasapthama, planatery arrangement of widowhood, Vishakanyadosham, Kalatradosha. Here the researcher gives a note on such things.</p></p>

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G Umamaheswari, Dr.P A Subramanian Astrological star matching for marriagePart-2 International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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