Volume : VII, Issue : VI, June - 2018

Association of severity of alcohol dependence & occurrence of depression : A cross sectional study

Dr. H Namratha, Dr. Nagendar Rao Yeedulapally

Abstract :

Substance use & abuseis most common mental health issue in our country. Alcohol is one of the most commonlyabused. Individual with alcohol use disorder almost always have psychiatric comorbidity. Depression is one such comorbidity. Individual with history of alcohol use can have depression on long term or due to depression individual can get addicted to alcohol. Assessing and identifying the risk of depression & treating plays a crucial role in the de–addiction treatment for alcohol use disorder. One hundred patient were included in the study who scored ≥8 on Alcohol Use Disorder Identification Test. Substantial to severe dependence on alcohol was seen in81.5% individuals. Major depressive disorder was diagnosed in 62% of individuals. A significant association was noticed between severity of alcohol dependence & comorbid Depression.

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Dr. H Namratha, Dr. Nagendar Rao Yeedulapally, Association of severity of alcohol dependence & occurrence of depression : A cross sectional study, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH : Volume-7 | Issue-6 | June-2018

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