Volume : II, Issue : VI, June - 2013

Assessment of Sexual Maturation Pattern of Adolescent Boys in Rural Central India.

Dr. Akre Charuhas V, Dr. Sukhsohale Neelam D, Dr. Kubde Sanjay S

Abstract :

There is wide individual variation in pubescence and the rate of acquisition of pubertal changes. Since the information regarding these aspects is scanty, this clinical survey was conducted to study the sexual maturation pattern of adolescent school children (boys) in rural central India. The present community based cross sectional study was conducted in rural school of Nagpur. 413 adolescent boys in the age group of 10-18 years studying in Mahadula School were assessed for sexual maturation, and grading was done as per Tanner’s scale. On analysis, it was observed that in boys, the first pubertal sign to appear was genital development (G2), median age of it being 10.66 years; the last to appear was pubic hair growth (PH5), median age 16.61 years. Thus it took 5.95 years for complete sexual maturation in boys. We conclude that although puberty set in late in boys, but took lesser time for complete maturation.

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Dr. Akre Charuhas V, Dr. Sukhsohale Neelam D, Dr. Kubde Sanjay S Assessment of Sexual Maturation Pattern of Adolescent Boys in Rural Central India. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 2, Issue : 6 June 2013

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