Volume : V, Issue : II, February - 2016


K Pant, H Kaur, M Sidhu

Abstract :

 The present study was conducted on “Assessment of problems faced by school children while carrying school bags with objectives to assess various physical problems of respondents while carrying school bags and to analyses musculoskeletal problems faced by respondents by using subjective assessment scales i.e. Postural Discomfort Scale (Corlett and Bishop 1976) and Rating of Perceived Exertion Scale (Varghese et al1994).The study was conducted on a sample of 120 school children from middle class (i.e. from vi to viii) and their mothers. Respondents were randomly selected from five government and five private schools of Ludhiana city form the age group of 11–14 years. A pre structured interview schedule was used to achieve first objective and for second objective subjective assessment was used. Results revealed that respondents felt feeling of fatigue, difficulty in walking, stepping up and down from stairs, difficulty in picking up of things, imbalance of body while sudden turn, difficulty in getting up and down from transport media. From subjective assessment it was found that respondents faced problems in different body parts and high discomfort was found in neck, shoulder, upper and lower back and very less discomfort was found in ankle, feet and calf muscles.

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K Pant, H Kaur, M Sidhu Assessment of Problems Faced by School Children While Carrying School Bags International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 2 February 2016

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