Volume : V, Issue : V, May - 2016


Amitha Raoaroor, Santhosh T Soans, Roshan Ann Oommen, Bharath Raj

Abstract :

 Introduction: Adolescence is the period of rapid growth and inadequate diet may adversely affect growth .Body image concerns are common especially in female adolescents and the pressure to remain thin may force them to adapt various unhealthy eating behaviours. The aim of this study was to assess the nutritional status and to screen for eating disorders among female adolescents. Methodology: EDE–Q 6.0 Questionnaire was administered and students were asked to fill the appropriate answers based on their attitude and behaviour in the past 28 days. Height and weight of each individual was checked and BMI was calculated. Results: Out of 507 study subjects, 70% had normal BMI, 14.8% were overweight, 3% were obese, 9.7% were thin and 2.6% were severely thin. The prevalence of eating disorder was 1%. Shape [8.5%] and Weight concern [7.9%] were more prevalent and the scores were significantly higher in overweight and obese group. Scores in Eating concern and Restraint were significant in 2% and 1.6% of the study population respectively. Significant number reported various weight control behaviours. Conclusion: Screening for eating disorders among adolescents may identify at–risk students who would benefit from early intervention.

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Amitha RaoAroor, Santhosh T Soans, Roshan Ann Oommen, Bharath Raj ASSESSMENT OF NUTRITIONAL STATUS AND SCREENING FOR EATING DISORDERS AMONG FEMALE ADOLESCENTS International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 5, Issue : 5 MAY 2016

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