Volume : III, Issue : V, May - 2014

Assessment of Nutritional Status and Impact of Various Demographic Factors on it for 1 To 5 Years Children in the Urban Slum Population at Madrasi Colony, Tyagi Road, Dehradun, India

Bijaya Mohanta, Saroj Kumar Pradhan

Abstract :

The objective of this study was to assess the nutritional status of children one to five years of age and to determine the significant influence of various demographic factors on it at Madrasi colony, Tyagi road, Dehradun, India. Non–experimental survey research design was adopted for the study that focuses on obtaining information regarding the status of malnutrition. The study included 50 children, selected through purposive sampling technique. The data was collected with structured interview schedule and anthropometric assessment. Malnourishment was categorized according to the grades suggested by Indian Academy of Pediatrics. 18%, 38%, 10% and 2% children were classified under Protein Energy Malnutrition (PEM) grade I, II, III and IV respectively, whereas 32% children were found normal. Amongst many demographic variables included in this study for interpreting their association with malnutrition, mothers’ education was found to have significant impact on malnutrition of children of survillance area

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Bijaya Mohanta, Saroj Kumar Pradhan Assessment of Nutritional Status and Impact of Various Demographic Factors on it for 1 To 5 Years Children in the Urban Slum Population at Madrasi Colony, Tyagi Road, Dehradun, India International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.III, Issue. V, May 2014

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