Volume : II, Issue : I, January - 2013

Assessment of Maximal Expiratory Pressure in Adult Against Reference Standard Value

Dr. Jitendra Patel, Dr. Jasmin Parmar, Dr. Jaydeep Kagthara

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Dr. Jitendra Patel,Dr. Jasmin parmar,Dr. Jaydeep Kagthara Assessment of Maximal Expiratory Pressure in Adult Against Reference Standard Value International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol.II, Issue.I January 2013

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The present study was cross-sectional in design and carried out in Indian adults. The aim of this study was to assess the MEP (maximal expiratory pressure) and compare with reference standard value. The MEP is part of pulmonary function test and its give idea about expiratory muscle strength, which will be helpful in clinical physiology. The clinical mercury sphygmomanometer was used to measure Maximal Expiratory Pressure, comparisons was made with reference value. The results shows that observed MEP was significantly lower than reference value and also shows gender based variation. So, at the end of study we can conclude that results of this study might be due to variation of body physique, ethnicity and technique. For future development we recommend that MEP value should be revised as par Indian standard and it should be implement in routine pulmonary function testing.