Volume : IV, Issue : II, February - 2015

Assessment of Infant Feeding Practices among HIV Positive Mothers Receiving ARV/ART and HIV Status of Their Infants with its Determinants in South and North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia.

Yeshimebet Ali, Dr. P. Surender Reddy

Abstract :

Back ground: Infant feeding of HIV positive mother is one of the challenging issues particularly in developing countries. Breast feeding by an infected mother increases the risk of transmission and provision of ARV prophylaxis for both mothers and her exposed infant with recommended infant feeding practice for HIV positive mothers reduces MTCT of HIV. Objective: To assess the infant feeding practices of HIV Positive mothers receiving ARV/ART and HIV status of their infants with its determinants in South and North Wollo Zone. Methods: Institution based cross sectional study with quantitative, qualitative methods. Results: Prevalence of HIV among infants was 7.8%. Conclusions: HIV status of infant was determined by infant feeding practice, maternal and infant illness, and mother’s knowledge on PMTCT. Educating mothers focusing on PMTCT, early seeking of treatment during their illness and behavioral change on infant feeding practice with proper ARV/ART service are important interventions for PMTCT of HIV

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Yeshimebet Ali, Dr.P.Surender Reddy Assessment of Infant Feeding Practices among HIV Positive Mothers Receiving ARV/ART and HIV Status of Their Infants with its Determinants in South and North Wollo Zone, Amhara Region, Ethiopia. International Journal of Scientific Research, Vol : 4, Issue : 2 February 2015

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